Aug, 06 2018

Accountability: “What separates successful client results from sub-par client results” By: Anthony “Antabolic” Tedesco, BEXSc, CPT

Anthony Tedesco

     There are many factors that go into client training and dietary success. One such factor is self-accountability and honesty. A coach can prepare the absolute most well written evidenced ...

Aug, 01 2018

What Is The Best Recovery Stack?

Adam Azawi

     When training you are beating your body up so it will adapt and become stronger. However during this process the body starts to break down especially if a recovery plan is not in place ...

Jul, 30 2018

The Importance of Recovery by Dawson Montfort

Justin Brown

    Something avid gym goers often do not take into full consideration is recovery. In fact, one could argue the recovery is as important if not more important to optimize the gains train that we all ...

Jul, 05 2018

Cardio Basics: How to Add a Fat-Loss Focus to Your Exercise Routine for A Beach-Ready Bod

Anthony Tedesco

By: Anthony “Antabolic” Tedesco, BEXSc, CPT-Syntrax Elite Ambaasdor    As temperatures heat up and the swim suits come out, looking “summer ready” is becoming more of a priority to many. When it comes to leaning out, the ...

Jul, 05 2018

Syntrax Bomb Pops

Justin Brown

HOWDY EVERYONE!  Now normally, I'm either taking care of our ambassadors(looking for more, btw *wink wink*) or I'm creating something for you all to see on our social networks.  I had the opportunity to step ...

Jun, 27 2018

Why Dirty Bulking is a huge Mistake?

Adam Azawi

    Today I will write this Blog based on a personal experience and It’s more of a lesson learn that I wanted to share with all fitness athlete to avoid this mistake. It was ...

Jun, 05 2018

Staying On Track While Traveling: A Few Simple Suggestions to Not Fall Off Your Meal Plan When Away By: Anthony “Antabolic” Tedesco, BEXSc, CPT

Anthony Tedesco

    There comes a time in all of our lives when we need to travel … be it for business, pleasure, or both, for some more frequently than others. As a coach and nutritionist to well ...

Jun, 05 2018

The Sport of Strongman and Why You Should Do It by Dawson Montfort

Justin Brown

    My name is Dawson Montfort.  I am a Christian, husband, father, engineer and International level strongman Competitor. Usually when I tell people this I get puzzled looks and several questions regarding how I balance my ...

May, 24 2018

How I added one inch to my arms in 20 weeks?

Adam Azawi

  Today, I would like to talk and explain the approach that I did that help me adding 1 inch to my arm in less than 20 weeks! Arms are not that difficult to build, yet ...

May, 07 2018

Training with Anthony

Justin Brown

You can check out more from our #SyntraxFam and Elite Ambassador Anthony Tedesco on Instagram (@antabolic). He is a tremendously gifted athlete while also being extremely knowledgeable of nutrition and exercise!#SyntraxFam ...
